Hello friends, I make videos to help people like you! Kindly subscribe my YouTube channel to appreciate my efforts 👌 This video is not just a Day in a life vlog but an informative video for people who want to get idea about what are the differences are when working in difference country than yours. Like indian physio working in canada. Learning points -
1. Get your Canadian driving license asap coz you don't know where will you will get the job. 2. Be open to learning as practice is different than your home country 3. Follow me on Instagram for quick updates Instagram.com/niha.physiotherapy/
4. To have your free copy of my SOAP note format click this link to download - https://www.canva.com/design/DAFAIzM_BWo/bMhrempa4s0-L3l4EXFMLw/view?utm_content=DAFAIzM_BWo&utm_campaign=share_your_design&utm_medium=link&utm_source=shareyourdesignpanel 5. Watch the full vlog on youtube https://youtu.be/ascM1zBD8Ek
6. Ontario law is pretty straightforward when it comes to rear-end collisions. Generally, the driver who rear ends the vehicle in front is most likely at fault for causing the accident and is responsible for any resulting damages
7. MVA patient - injury caused by motor vehicle accident.
8.WSIB patient- injury caused at work or is work related. Goes through workers compensation board.
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