Welcome to the blog, Here you will find courses that the majority of students opt for. You will be spending $$$ so make sure you select something that you would be interested in.
Disclaimer: There is no MPT in Canada for international students. All the courses may be indirectly connected to PT. (Sadly none of the courses is directly linked to PT)

Massage therapy - Top choice if you consider a second career option in Canada. | |
Health and wellness- Personal training, yoga, fitness industry | |
Recreation program- Gives opportunity to work with people with disability. Good second career option. | |
Clinical kinesiology: Good Postgrad program related to PTs. | |
OTA/PTA: Gives you an opportunity to work as PTA in hospitals. | |
Exercises science and health management- Newer course, the Course outline is attractive & may be helpful in future for patient education. | |
Health office admin- Teaches admin duties and insurance-related details. I don't recommend this program as you may not learn many skills related to PTs.. | |
Master level program/university programs | https://www.ualberta.ca/public-health/programs/msc-programs/index.html https://gs.mcmaster.ca/program/rehabilitation-science/ https://uwo.ca/fhs//programs/hrs/index.html https://ihpme.utoronto.ca/academics/pp/mhsc/ (Haven't received a confirmation yet from the university if they accept international students) |
Cardiovascular Technology - 728Ontario College Diploma Two years | This program is for you in you like to do cardio vascular testing like treadmill testing & other related tests. Algonquin college: https://www.algonquincollege.com/healthandcommunity/program/cardiovascular-technology/ mohawk college: https://www.mohawkcollege.ca/programs/health/cardiovascular-technology-728 |
Brain Disorders Management - 470Ontario College Graduate Certificate One year or less | |
adding more keep coming back | soon |
Watch the video on the top 5 courses here- https://youtu.be/nD8SWBVtQlY
This list is based on my research. College and university websites will provide you with more details so go ahead and research on your own based on your interest.
If you need help with your student admission/visa application - reach out to inquiry.thm@gmail.com
I have had a good experience with them. This is not a sponsored post.
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Hi niha. I would like to know if one should go for ug diploma or pg diploma after bpt. If one goes with ug diploma does it affects the visa success rate.?